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September 20, 2024 Follow TrueSchools on Twitter
Schools / California / Santa Ana / Newhope Elementary School / Reviews

Newhope Elementary School —— Public School | Kindergarten - 6th Grade | 613 students

4419 West Regent Dr, Santa Ana CA 92704 (map) | 714-663-6581
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School Rating

5 out of 10
TrueSchools Rating

5 out of 10
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School ratings based on state standardized test scores and comparing those results to other schools in the same state.

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Community ratings and reviews by parents, students, former students, teachers and others for Newhope Elementary School can be found here. All our school reviews are proofready by humans here at TrueSchools, and we do our best to eliminate any reviews we deem to be unauthentic.

Rating: 2.6/5 (5 votes cast)